Challenging the evidence against you is a crucial aspect of DUI defense. This article covers how an experienced DUI defense attorney can challenge the accuracy of any field sobriety tests or breathalyzer tests administered by the police.
Field Sobriety Tests
Field sobriety tests are not always reliable, and there are many factors that can affect their accuracy. An experienced DUI defense attorney can work with expert witnesses to challenge the results of these tests and argue that they should not be used as evidence against you.
DUI Defense
Breathalyzer Tests
Breathalyzer tests are often used to determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC). However, these tests are not always accurate, and there are many factors that can affect their results. An experienced DUI defense attorney can challenge the results of these tests and argue that they should not be used as evidence against you.
Challenging Other Evidence
Challenging other evidence, such as eyewitness testimony or video footage, can also be a crucial part of DUI defense. An experienced DUI defense attorney can review the evidence against you and determine if any constitutional violations occurred during your arrest or in the collection of evidence.
In conclusion, challenging the evidence against you is a crucial aspect of DUI defense. An experienced DUI defense attorney can work to identify weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case and present evidence that supports your defense.